Happy early Wednesday to all my beautiful people out there, I hope that your weekend is starting out well mine has been hectic to say the least so I apologize in my delay in posting but rest assured Friday I will have more post for you. My delay is due to the fact I'm studying and completing projects for the end of the semester, pray for me, following this semester and one secession of summer I will officially be a graduate. It's been a very long time coming and this last year of my matriculation it has truly been a struggle but it was very necessary. I was seriously thinking about calling it quits last semester and when divine intervention came through the medium of CNN and a special called "Black in America" it happened to cover the social climate between men and women it stated that black men had a scarcely low attendance rate among colleges and universities, and an even lower graduation rate.
FYI Nationally, a mere quarter of the 1.9-million black men between 18 and 24 attended college in 2000, the last year the American Council on Education reported such statistics. By contrast, 35 percent of black women in the same age group and 36 percent of all 18- to 24-year-olds were
attending college (based on 2000 study its said to have declined even more since then). I couldn't be a statistic...and for my fellas in school whether you're black, white, latino, asian, etc don't be either. While it's cliche' I found that College isn't about scholastic enlightenment at all (let's be honest you could get twice the knowledge for half the price online and at the library) I found that my matriculation brought with it self enlightenment and discovery, friendships, and social networks that will be both beneficial and profitable in the future...so with that said back to the books and I'll be posting very soon. Ciao.
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